Happy New Year 2020 to all
You all might have planned for new year, likewise I have also planned to share new and better to you and decided to incorporate some good things in day to day life.
In December blog we have seen the information about Company and promoters
Today we will discuss about types of companies.
Usually we all know about private company and public company
Private company has limited number of shareholders min. 2 maxi 200, private company cannot sell it’s shares in public, cannot invite capital from public at large
Public company have min. 7 members, No limits for maximum number . They can offer shares to public .
Let’s see types of Companies
1. Private limited company
2. One person Company ( OPC ) private limited
3. Public company
i .Listed public company
ii. Unlisted Public company
4 .Section 8 , charitable object company
5. Farmers producer company
6. Nidhi Company
Other than above there is LLP ,limited liability partnership with some features of company and partnership like company
We will discuss each type in detail in next blog .
Whatever you wish should get fulfilled is my wish .
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