Namaskar ,

Recently we celebrated Ganesh utsav and Gauri Pujan, But this year we felt missing Procession celebration.

During Gauri Pujan we done everything as per as per our religious requirement , I was thinking why we do Puja of goddess ?

our vedas also have a Sanskrit shloka ”  यत्र नार्यस्तू पुजन्ते रमंते तत्र देवता ” , which means where the women is well treated the place will be full of goddess blessings .Unfortunately we do not find such respect for Women in our society which actually they deserve.

We need to change our perception towards women. She is trying to develop, prove her own identity and for that she is working as employee or starting her own ventures , but she is still facing sexual harassment at workplace , so there is need to change the mentality of male co workers and male boss,.

Our Government has passed an Act against sexual harassment at workplace , which Prevents , Protects and gives Redressal system against sexual harassment of women at workplace.

What this law is all about we need to know, in fact not only woman but both men and women need to understand about this law and for that we need to understand the background of this Act enactment .

There is woman name ” Bhavri Devi ” in Rajasthan .She was on duty of some Government scheme for promotion of some scheme for females. She stopped one child marriage and in return to that some villagers and landlords from the village ill treated her sexually by doing gang rape , she lodged a complaint against them but the ruling went against her , then an NGO name ” VISHAKHA ” came for her help and filed a case in Hon. supreme court , where Hon. Supreme court has given Guidelines Called as  ” Vishakha Guidelines ” ( year 1997) and made it applicable to all the establishments Private ,Public ,Semi Government, Government and made the owner or authority there to be held responsible for following the Guidelines.

These Guidelines were  converted into or rather incorporated into an enactment , ‘The Sexual Harassment at workplace ( prevention , Prohibition and Redressal ) Act ,2013 ( POSH)‘ , So that any women can have justice against wrong done to her at workplace relating to sexual harassment and to prevent such wrong doing .




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