Ramesh : “Good Morning ! Suraj ”

Suraj : “Very Good Morning Ramesh ,How was Diwali ? this Diwali was great after these covid issues”

Ramesh: “Yes , it was a different as I had spent time with my family as well as my Extended family of my workplace , we celebrated this Diwali with a unique way . We have organized training program for our Employees for spreading awareness about POSH.”

Suraj :  “What is POSH” ?

Ramesh: “POSH is an Act enacted by Government for Protection of women from sexual harassment at workplace. POSH means Prevention of Sexual Harassment. Where, the Responsibility of protection of Women at workplace is on employer. He has to complete various compliances under Act, like

  1. If you have 10 or more employees you have to form /constitute Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) under POSH
  2. Employer have to sensitize his employees by arranging awareness sessions, etc
  3. and now most important submission of Annual Report in January, so prior to that we have to comply under POSH, now it`s just few days for 31st Dec

Suraj: “is it applicable to me”?

Ramesh: “Yes, if you have more than 10 employees you have to have ICC, and if you do not comply there is provision of Penalty which may be up to 50000/- and if you continue to ignore it may cause cancellation / non-renewal of Business license”

Suraj : “Oh my God, I have 15,  I have to comply with then , please tell me whom to contact for all these” ?

Ramesh:  “Do not worry I will connect you with my consultant”

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