Hello All,

In last blog we have seen a background of the Act Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH), To prevent sexual harassment at work place and if there is any kind of misbehavior and injustice with the woman , this act aims at prevention of such kind of incidents and to give justice to the aggrieved woman and to punish wrong doer there are provisions for all this in Act .

To whom this Act is Applicable?

Any department , office ,branch , Establishment , institute, unit, Undertaking partially or wholly managed by Government , local body , Government Company Private , Public Company ,trust, Society , corporation , NGO , place where Vocational , professional , educational , health , wealth related training conducted , industry providing Production , sales, marketing , and distribution services  so there Could  be any workplace of above kind and it also includes Hospitals ,nursing homes, sports institute ,stadium complex, any competition premises where there is facility of stay , training  for sports , transport service provided by employer , any place where the employee visits on behalf of his organization , any place where employee works even our own house is  also a work place for our maids as it is their workplace and they are also eligible to have protection under the Act .

In nutshell, any place where Employer, Employee relation exists the said place comes under purview under the Act as workplace. Even though there is no female employee this Act is applicable, there is a myth that if you do not have female employees you need not come under purview of Act.

The Act shoulders responsibility on Employer, he should be held responsible for protection of his female employees, she may or may not be his employee, so owner of every business, Government/ semi Government office bearers, authorities are responsible under this Act.

In next blog we will see some more important provisions of the Act.

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