Feb 8, 2020 | English
Hello all in last blog we came to know about what is company and its features , now let us see what is private limited company
Company means a artificial person created by law having separate legal existence.
Private limited company cannot issue it’s share to public at large like public company , What is limited in private limited company. That means liabilities of shareholders is limited to the extent of their shareholding in case of paying dues of company
More features :
1. company Will have perpetual existence unless closed , dissolved by legal procedure.
2. If all share holders are changed or even all are dead the new set of shareholders will continue to run company.
3. company is having separate legal entity. Have its own name and address and registration number.
4. In private limited company min. No. of shareholders is 2 and maxi. 200.
5. Min. 2 and maxi. 15 directors will be there.
6. Company do not have its own body but it works through it’s Directors by authorizing it’s Directors to act on its behalf and took decisions on behalf of company .
Visits: 769
Jan 8, 2020 | English
Happy New Year 2020 to all
You all might have planned for new year, likewise I have also planned to share new and better to you and decided to incorporate some good things in day to day life.
In December blog we have seen the information about Company and promoters
Today we will discuss about types of companies.
Usually we all know about private company and public company
Private company has limited number of shareholders min. 2 maxi 200, private company cannot sell it’s shares in public, cannot invite capital from public at large
Public company have min. 7 members, No limits for maximum number . They can offer shares to public .
Let’s see types of Companies
1. Private limited company
2. One person Company ( OPC ) private limited
3. Public company
i .Listed public company
ii. Unlisted Public company
4 .Section 8 , charitable object company
5. Farmers producer company
6. Nidhi Company
Other than above there is LLP ,limited liability partnership with some features of company and partnership like company
We will discuss each type in detail in next blog .
Whatever you wish should get fulfilled is my wish .
Visits: 539
Dec 8, 2019 | English
Hello all,
Today we will know some more information about Company.
In last blog we have seen that Company is artificial person created by law, who act through it’s Directors so Company gives authority to Promoters and first Directors.
Directors shareholders are owners of company but Company have its own separate legal existence.
For incorporation of Company promoters are persons who will be investing in Company are responsible for well being of Company. How much share capital to be raised, nature of business of company, which type of company to be incorporated all these should be decided by promoters.
Similarly making available the place of business, decide proper name of company and do things binding and required by law for Company is a responsibility of Promoter.
Considering Company as a child whatever is right and good for company like we do for our own children ,is required to be done by promoter .On incorporation there is need of proper planning and filing of different forms is a responsibility of Promoter and first Directors.
Visits: 917
Oct 8, 2019 | English
This time it was really a time taken to express myself due to festive season and some unforeseen obstacles but , today is the Golden Day of Vijayadashami .Today I have crossed my obstacles and challenges and won over to express myself is the today’s achievement for me.
In last blog we got information about Company Secretary/ Company Sachiv .
Today blog is extension of earlier blog .
On successful completion of my CS exam many friends and relatives asked me about from which University you have achieved this Degree and where is your college for this??
Company Secretary is not a Degree if any University it is a professional Qualification which could be achieved by successfully completion of exam conducted by The Institute of Company Secretaries.(ICSI)
ICSI is not a university it’s a Institute incorporated under Act of Parliament.The institute Conducts Exams for Company Secretary Course and conduct different training for the same .The Exam system is very tough so the percentage of passing is nearly 3 to 4 percent.
The Institute have its principal place headquarter at Delhi, similarly at local level there are chapters from which institute functions and regulates it’s activity .There is no college for CS all the working of exam , training etc. Will be conducted at chapter office only .
Ministry of Corporate Affairs is the Commanding authority for Company Law Regulation and with the help of ICSI they function along
This is it for today soon we will meet again with a new blog Happy Dussera !
Visits: 411
Aug 28, 2019 | English
The day I remember when after lots of hard work and sleepless nights for studies when it came with a happiness
For both my families my paternal and in law family as we all had dreamed for the success in CS exam had been achieved .
The moment when some relative asked me about what is CS , I have realized that the battle has began where I will have to fight for glorifying CS profession by spreading awareness about it by way of the blogs .
Usually everyone knows about CA as the income tax is the part which comes in everyone’s life so they come across with the CA who are experts in the field .The persons having some connect with Company or share market usually came across the term CS .
During kingdom period there was a post called Sachiv the person appointed on that post uses to handle do to day working and correspondence of kingdom . But now Company Sachiv have very wide scope in any public or private companies. They have position of kmp.
Visits: 457