In last blog we came to know about Company Sachiv,  now we will get information about Company.
If any one wish to Start his own business he usually go with Simple forms of business like proprietary or Partnership. There is another reason of choosing these options is lack of knowledge about Company , LLP and other forms of business. There is no knowledge about it’s benefits.
Similarly what permissions are required to start a business or which kind of business is suitable for our products or services cannot be judged by that person due to lack of knowledge.
So let’s see who is Company
Company is a artificial person created by law .
  • Who is having separate legal existence and perpetual existence
  • Have its own name
  • It doesn’t have own body it acts through it`s Directors
  • Shareholders are owners of Company but Company is different from shareholders .
  • Shareholders may change but company will remain into existence unless dissolved.
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